Flows! Plus, MFO Mid-Year Review 2024

All fund risk and return metrics, ratings, and analytics were uploaded to MFO Premium, Saturday, 29 June, reflecting performance through mid-year. Our latest fund flow data were uploaded yesterday, Monday, 8 July. Refinitiv drops the flow data on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month.


We’ve scheduled our mid-year review webinar this Wednesday (tomorrow), 10 July at 11 am Pacific (2pm Eastern). It will highlight performance of funds across different market segments and showcase various search features since our year-end webinar, which include:


  • MFO Flows, short for fund asset flows, is a significant upgrade this year (click example below for Fidelity’s Total Bond Fund ETF),
  • A new Analytics user interface, which allows users to jump quickly across various tools, like Return Chart, Flows, Correlation, Ferguson, Momentum, and Calendar Year Drawdown,
  • ETF Benchmarks, championed by our MFO colleague Devesh Shah.


Join us if you can by registering here.



US equity markets remain at or near all-time highs. June marks the 30th full month of The Great Normalization market cycle and the 21st month of this market’s bull run.


Berkshire Hathaway, which our colleague Lynn Bolin wrote about this month, convenience ticker BRKA, has generated 13.1% annualized over this cycle, more than QQQ and SPY, at 8.5 and 7.2, respectively. But across the 21-mo bull, QQQ beats almost all at 40.6% annualized. Generally, it’s been a cycle favoring large caps, especially large growth.


Will save more for the webinar.


My report from the recent Morningstar conference can be found here: Morningstar Celebrates 40th Year – MICUS Chicago 2024.


As always, if you see anything amiss or have suggestions for improvement, let us know and we will respond soonest.


PS. Good session. Healthy turn-out today. Thank you!


Link to video.


Link to chart deck.