TGN Bull Runs! Plus, Year-end Review 2024

All fund risk and return metrics, ratings, and analytics were uploaded to MFO Premium, Saturday, 4 January, reflecting performance through end of year 2024. The upload included fund flow data through Friday, 3 January.


We’ve scheduled our year-end review webinar this Wednesday (tomorrow), 8 January at 11 am Pacific (2pm Eastern). It will highlight performance of funds across different market segments and showcase various search features since our mid-year webinar, which include:


  • Introduced “Parent” and “White Label” into MultiSearch and Fund Family Scorecard, as motivated by MFO piece: You Too Can Start an ETF.
  • Introduced Price-Based Metrics, as described in our December commentary.
  • Expanded Fund Family Scorecard, including family annual revenue based on assets under management and expense ratio.
  • Introduced Quarterly Metrics tool, as described in our October commentary.
  • Expanded Averages to include peer groups of Category, SubType, Type, and other classifications, like actively managed funds and ETFs (convenience symbols AV-ACTIVE and AV-ETFS, respectively).


Please join us by registering here.



December marked the 36th full month of The Great Normalization (TGN) market cycle and the 27th month of this market’s bull run, including 10 months at all-time highs. The run has propelled the S&P 500 70% so far, netting investors 29% after the -24% drawdown in 2022, or a normal-like 9% per year. The 30-day T-Bill has been about 4% annualized over this time, which too is about normal. Bonds, however, have generally lagged.


Here’s a breakout of the bear and bull components for each of the 10 cycles the past century:



And here’s a summary of key reference indexes across those same 10 cycles:



As always, if you see anything amiss or have suggestions for improvement, let us know and we will respond soonest.