2017 Performance of Largest Funds by AUM

A bit old news, but here are 2017 risk/return metrics for the top 10 US funds by assets under management (AUM), sorted by AUM. Eight index funds. Two ETFs SPY and IVV. Six Vanguard funds. The two actively managed funds, both American Funds, generate the about same fee annually $2.5B as the six Vanguard funds combined (click on image to enlarge).


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Terrific Twos: The Top-Performing Two-Year-Old Funds

We thought we’d start continue up with the 130 U.S. equity funds which have passed their second anniversary but have not yet reached their third, which is when conventional trackers such as Morningstar and Lipper pick them up. As Charles has repeatedly demonstrated, the screener at MFO Premium allows you to answer odd and interesting questions. When markets are rising, everybody’s question is the same: who’s making the most?


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Terrible Twos? The two-year-old funds which are most out-of-step with their peers …

We thought we’d start catching up with the 130 U.S. equity funds which have passed their second anniversary but have not yet reached their third, which is when conventional trackers such as Morningstar and Lipper pick them up.


As Charles has repeatedly demonstrated, the screener at MFO Premium allows you to answer odd and interesting questions. I’ll try to look at several questions over the next week, starting with “which of these new funds might be badly miscategorized?”


Continue reading “Terrible Twos? The two-year-old funds which are most out-of-step with their peers …”